Dealing With Family Stress During the Holiday Part I

This is Your Professional Sista, Marsha C McLean for a Mental Health Moment.

The holidays are a particular time for many people to spend time with one another. As special as these occasions are, some family gatherings can be stressful. You know, the gatherings with the family member who complains about everything or the family member who intentionally tries to sabotage cohesiveness, or what about the family member who tries to convert you to a new religion…all the things that come along with the holidays. I am going to provide you with a plan to help get you through the holidays mentally intact! 

#1 - Have a realistic expectation of your family. That one dinner is not going to change them. You can choose peace over madness. 

#2 - Refocus your attitude!  You are still responsible for your behavior.  I encourage you to not allow anyone or anything take you out of your character.  Prepare your heart to have a great holiday and enjoy the family who have the same purpose as you.  

#3 - Reminisce on happy and fun times that will bring your family together. 

#4 - Remember gratitude.  You are able to see another holiday with family members who care about you.  Remember all the blessings that you have like... your life, supportive family and the ability to show others how to endure uncomfortable situations. 

#5 – Again, have realistic EXPECTATIONS.  Do not expect people to change when they have behaved the same way for years. Limit your contact with troublesome relatives and spend more time interacting with people you enjoy!

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, always remember that you have absolutely no social or family obligation to be victimized.  Family gatherings are not therapy sessions, leave that to the professionals.  Do not permit yourself to be drawn into the drama of some family members and diminish your enjoyment of the holidays. 

These quick tips will help you survive the stressful time between November through January.  Use these suggestions  to manage troublesome family members.  Prepare to be happy and at peace for the holidays. 

If you enjoyed this mental health moment please follow me on Instragram @your_professional_sista

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Marsha McLean